Saturday, May 10, 2014

5/10/14 - the bad thing

Some people love to do bad things because they like the feeling of rebellion. Some people do bad things because they are trying to get attention. Some people do bad things because they were never taught good verses bad. I know a girl who has been making the same mistake for many years now. At first she didn’t know she was doing anything wrong. Then one day she learned that this THING, this bad THING that she had been doing for so long was not good for her to be doing. For some people, all they need to know is how bad something is, and they can stop it. However sometimes these bad things come with an addiction, something that is hard to let go of. This girl told herself she needed to stop. She made up her mind, and life felt like it was going much better without this bad thing eating her up inside. But everyone knows, there is no such thing as a perfect life. Soon enough a trial hit, and the girl I guess you could say relapsed. This bad THING that makes the girl happy for a short time, turns into guilt. Every single time this bad THING gets the best of her, it leaves her with a pit in her stomach that makes her walk around in shame. She looks at other people with smiles on their faces and their heads held high. Their success and beauty makes her see nothing but failure and ugly when she looks in the mirror. I’ve known this girl for a long time, but now I can only see myself as this THING. 

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